In [1]:
%config Completer.use_jedi = False
import numpy as np
from utils import display_np_arrays_as_images
- fundamentals: reordering, composition and decomposition of axes
- operations: rerrange, reduce, repeat
In [2]:
In [3]:
img = np.load('test_images.npy', allow_pickle=False)
print(img.shape, img.dtype)
(6, 96, 96, 3) float64
In [4]:
(96, 96, 3)
In [5]:
In [6]:
In [7]:
from einops import rearrange, reduce, repeat
- rearrange: 요소를 재정렬
- height 와 width 바꿈
- 즉, 처음 두 축(차원)을 바꾼것
In [8]:
rearrange(img[0], 'h w c -> w h c')
In [9]:
rearrange(img[0], 'h w c -> w h c').shape
(96, 96, 3)
Composition of axes¶
- einops allows seamlessly composing batch and height to a new height dimension
- We just rendered all images by collapsing to 3d tensor!
In [10]:
rearrange(img, 'b h w c -> (b h) w c')
- or compose a new dimension of batch and width
In [11]:
rearrange(img, 'b h w c -> h (b w) c')
- resulting dimensions are computed very simply
- length of newly composed axis is a product of components
- [6, 96, 96, 3] -> [96, (6 * 96), 3]
In [12]:
print(rearrange(img, 'b h w c -> h (b w) c').shape)
(6, 96, 96, 3) (96, 576, 3)
- we can compose more than two axes.
- let's flatten 4d array into 1d, resulting array has as many elements as the original
In [13]:
rearrange(img, 'b h w c -> (b h w c)').shape
Decomposition of axis¶
- decomposition is the inverse process - represent an axis as a combination of new axes
- several decompositions possible, so b1=2 is to decompose 6 to b1=2 and b2=3
In [14]:
rearrange(img, '(b1 b2) h w c -> b1 b2 h w c ', b1=2)
<array of shape (2, 3, 96, 96, 3)>
- finally, combine composition and decomposition:
In [15]:
rearrange(img, '(b1 b2) h w c -> (b1 h) (b2 w) c ', b1=2)
- slightly different composition: b1 is merged with width, b2 with height
- so letters are ordered by w then by h
In [16]:
rearrange(img, '(b1 b2) h w c -> (b2 h) (b1 w) c', b1=2)
- move part of width dimension to height.
- we should call this width-to-height as image width shrunk by 2 and height doubled.
- but all pixels are the same!
- Can you write reverse operation (height-to-width)?
In [17]:
rearrange(img, 'b h (w w2) c -> (h w2) (b w) c', w2=2)
Order of axes matters¶
In [18]:
rearrange(img, 'b h w c -> h (b w) c')
- order of axes in composition is different
- rule is just as for digits in the number: leftmost digit is the most significant,
- while neighboring numbers differ in the rightmost axis.
- you can also think of this as lexicographic sort
In [19]:
rearrange(img, 'b h w c -> h (w b) c')
- what if b1 and b2 are reordered before composing to width?
In [20]:
rearrange(img, '(b1 b2) h w c -> h (b1 b2 w) c', b1=2) # produces 'einops'
In [21]:
rearrange(img, '(b1 b2) h w c -> h (b2 b1 w) c', b1=2) # produces 'eoipns'
In [22]:
print(reduce(img, 'b h w c -> h w c', 'mean').shape)
reduce(img, 'b h w c -> h w c', 'mean')
(96, 96, 3)
In [23]:
(96, 96, 3)
- Example of reducing of several axes
- besides mean, there are also min, max, sum, prod
In [24]:
reduce(img, 'b h w c -> h w', 'min')
- this is mean-pooling with 2x2 kernel
- image is split into 2x2 patches, each patch is averaged
In [25]:
reduce(img, 'b (h h2) (w w2) c -> h (b w) c', 'mean', h2=2, w2=2)
In [26]:
reduce(img, '(b1 b2) h w c -> (b2 h) (b1 w)', 'mean', b1=2)
Stack and Concatenate¶
- rearrange can also take care of lists of arrays with the same shape
In [27]:
x = list(img)
print(type(x), 'with', len(x), 'tensors of shape', x[0].shape)
# that's how we can stack inputs
# "list axis" becomes first ("b" in this case), and we left it there
rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> b h w c').shape
<class 'list'> with 6 tensors of shape (96, 96, 3)
(6, 96, 96, 3)
In [28]:
# but new axis can appear in the other place:
rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> h w c b').shape
(96, 96, 3, 6)
Addition or removal of axes¶
- You can write 1 to create a new axis of length 1. Similarly you can remove such axis.
- There is also a synonym () that you can use. That's a composition of zero axes and it also has a unit length.
In [29]:
x = rearrange(img, 'b h w c -> b 1 h w 1 c') # functionality of numpy.expand_dims
print(rearrange(x, 'b 1 h w 1 c -> b h w c').shape) # functionality of numpy.squeeze
(6, 1, 96, 96, 1, 3) (6, 96, 96, 3)
- compute max in each image individuality, then show a difference
In [30]:
x = reduce(img, 'b h w c -> b () () c', 'max') - img
rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> h (b w) c')
Repeating elements¶
- repeat along a new axis. New axis can be placed anywhere
In [31]:
repeat(img[0], 'h w c -> h new_axis w c', new_axis=5).shape
(96, 5, 96, 3)
In [32]:
# shortcut
repeat(img[0], 'h w c -> h 5 w c').shape
(96, 5, 96, 3)
- repeat along w (existing axis)
In [33]:
repeat(img[0], 'h w c -> h (repeat w) c', repeat=3)
In [34]:
repeat(img[0], 'h w c -> h (3 w) c')
- repeat along two existing axes
In [35]:
repeat(img[0], 'h w c -> (2 h) (2 w) c')
- order of axes matters as usual - you can repeat each element (pixel) 3 times
- by changing order in parenthesis
In [36]:
repeat(img[0], 'h w c -> h (w 3) c')
In [37]:
repeat(img[0], 'h w c -> h (3 w) c')
In [ ]:
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